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There are several ways to select the music:
We have a suggested list of popular Hymns below that our Sopranos sing regularly. However our repertoires are far more extensive so please advise us of your music preferences.
Speak to us directly. We are happy to guide you through your music selection. Please allow around fifteen minutes for this call.
For a Funeral Service you will generally need to select 4 pieces of music:
Entrance Hymn
Two Congregational Hymns
Suggested Music
Here I am, Lord
Come As You Are
Abide With Me
Morning Has Broken
Prayer of St Francis (Make me a channel of your peace)
The Lord's My Shepherd (Crimond)
The Lord Is My Shepherd (B. Boniwell)
Eat This Bread
Strong and Constant
Be Not Afraid
Galilee Song
How Great Thou Art
Amazing Grace
Ave Maria
The Prayer
Panis Angelicus
The Lord Bless You And Keep You
Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven
Hail Queen Of Heaven
On Eagles' Wings
What A Wonderful World

Suggested Music
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